

老实说,我有承诺问题. 我早就可以向安东尼求婚了, but I still was trying to find myself in this crazy world. However, every time we turned a corner, he was standing there ready to catch me if I stumbled. 我知道 I would never get to experience anyone who cares for me more than he does. It would be stupid not to take advantage of this opportunity. So, what led to the question being asked at the New Year’s Eve Gala at the NC 自然科学博物馆? 每一天,我 am blessed to have such valuable, caring, supportive friends in my life. 我告诉我的朋友我想打扮一下 为除夕跳舞. We knew from many only reviews and responses that the Rocky Top Catering New Year's Eve Gala NCMNS是我该去的地方. So, we bought the tickets, invited our friends and the rest was history...的. 我知道 I would not only get to share this special moment with my future husband but with all our friends who mean the world to us.

除了安东尼,每个人都大吃一惊. The photographer Stephanie Rose was very 兴奋 to be part of this 瞬间,他知道了一个完美的地点. As we walked down the stairs of the Museum, I started to get butterflies. We arrived at the first floor, beautifully decorated in winter apparel, and took a group photo. 从那里我们所有的朋友 took individual couples’ shots so Anthony wouldn't be suspicious.

轮到我们的时候, all our friends shined their phones in our faces taking photos – Anthony had no clue. 这不是 until as he went to walk away that I turned and asked, “could I ask you a question?一边把戒指从我的 西装上衣口袋. I got down on one knee and looked up with tears in my eyes. “你对我来说就是整个世界. 你会 嫁给我?“震惊, 兴奋, 惊讶, and tearful (because I told him I would never propose on a holiday), 他说 是的! 我们站起来,分享了一个特别的吻. I stepped back to watch all our friends celebrate with him. 这真是一个 wonderful feeling watching our friends embrace him in the same love they have shown me!

This night would not have been as perfect if it wasn't for our friends and the amazing event hosted by Rocky Top 北卡罗来纳州自然科学博物馆的餐饮. ——诺兰·沃尔

照片由Stephanie Rose Photography提供

Enjoy life’s special moments at the NC 自然科学博物馆.



Here are a collection of testimonials from past clients after hosting an event with us.


“这是我们婚礼的绝佳、独特的地点. Guests enjoyed looking through the exhibits and walking around the museum, especially during cocktail hour (which we held on the 2nd floor). 桌子很适合放在这个空间里, 我们一个座位能容纳180位客人, plated dinner (with a bit of room to spare) on the third floor. There were some restrictions regarding amplified music - the dance floor had to be in a specific room, 但结果很好. It was nice for older guests - they could stay at their tables away from the loud music while the younger guests enjoyed the dance area. The perfect venue if you want a casual, memorable, fun event.

The feedback we got most was "fun" - and the location downtown can't be beat - we took photos at the Capitol, and took a rickshaw back to the hotel after a sparkler exit on the plaza - guests were able to walk to nightlife following the reception. Stephanie was very helpful and responsive to all of our questions."



"Our meeting at the 自然科学博物馆 was a success! Many of the people who attended our meeting were very impressed with the Museum and made a point of letting someone know. You and your staff are to be commended for doing a great job."

Gail Stelma, Vice President, 环境服务有限公司 


"Our wedding reception was beautiful and we had so many compliments on the venue!"


詹姆斯B. 亨特教育领导与政策研究所

"Thank you so much for your consistent engagement with the NC Sciences Summit event (dinner) we held at the Museum on May 23. Your careful attention allowed us to have a most spectacular dinner and program. Many thanks for your efficiency and support in helping us make it a success.  我期待有机会再次合作."

Lisa gukian,高级项目协调员,詹姆斯B. 亨特,小. 教育领导与政策研究所


“这是一个举办招待会的绝佳/不同的地点. Being a science teacher, it was a very cool backdrop that really connected to my personality. 每个人都很专业,做得很好. The recommended vendors turned out fantastic and the staff at the museum was very open to helping with all factors of the reception. Overall we really enjoyed it and would recommend it to others!"



"Thank you for your help in making our luncheon a success. We had good attendance and everything went very smoothly. Several legislators mentioned that they were pleased to know that there was such a wonderful room available at the Museum — they had not been in the Level A Meeting Room before. 我们期待着再次使用博物馆."

Erika Layko, 会议及活动策划, 儿童和家庭政策中心, 桑福德公共政策研究所, 杜克大学


"I wanted to let you know that everyone really enjoyed the evening at the N.C. 自然科学博物馆. 我听到很多好评. The food was delicious and your staff members were wonderful!  非常感谢大家!"

Robin Bradley, Education Services Representative, Training Center Coordinator, SAS研究所


"Thank you for meeting with us to finalize the 凯南研究员计划庆祝活动 at the 自然科学博物馆.  这对我们的老师来说是一件激动人心的事情!  Thanks so much for all that you are doing to help make this event a success."

Cindy Malecha, Assistant Director of Programs, 该研究所, NC State University

Clients who have held an event or meeting at the Museum include:

  • 艾奕康科技
  • 波音北卡罗来纳
  • 国会广播公司
  • 思科系统公司
  • 杜克大学
  • IBM
  • 詹姆斯B. 亨特教育领导与政策研究所
  • 该研究所
  • 《全球最大彩票网站排名》
  • 北卡罗莱纳州立大学
  • 进步能源
  • RDU机场管理局
  • RTI国际
  • SAS研究所
  • 索尼爱立信

还有很多其他的! We would be pleased to assist you in ensuring that your event is as successful as each of these events has been.